Decide it is how you want it to be and watch it manifest

It sounds simple, maybe even simplistic, but it all starts with a decision. A firm, unwavering, strong decision that what you want to manifest is already yours. I will make another post to go into more depth on the whole principle of why desires are actually a promise and why the moment you desire something it is already done for you in the higher dimensions, but for the purposes of this post, let’s accept these principles as true and focus on how to make this desire ours in the 3D. And it literally all revolves around a decision. It is that simple.

You see, in this Law of Perception as I love to call it, attitude matters. It’s your attitude towards yourself, other people, things, circumstances and situations in your life that determines how all of the above shows up for you in your reality. In other words, how you perceive things, people and yourself in relation to these literally gets reflected back to you in the exact image and likeness of what you have imagined, what you have projected outwards. The good news is, nothing unwanted is set in stone and everything wanted can stay set in stone forever, and what determines either is your decision that it is so. When you complain that your SP is taking forever to respond to you, that they must not care about you enough, or that they must be entertaining other people, you have literally decided that to be the case. Similarly, when you state and feel that you are in a beautiful relationship, that you are loved, cherished and cared for, that you are magnetic and irreplaceable and that anyone would want you because you’re that awesome, you again decide that this is how things are for you in your life.

It literally all starts with a decision. And if things in certain areas of your life aren’t going as you would ideally want them to, guess what: you can decide to change your perception of them and begin to view them in a different way that is closely aligned to what you actually want to experience. And you can decide that in a mere second. It doesn’t take longer than that. When you decide to change aspects of your reality and bring them to where your ideal would be, what you do by persisting in your new assumptions is actually persisting in your decision of “this is how I choose things to be for me, this is what I want, and therefore this is the new version of myself and my reality that I am choosing to embrace from this moment onwards.” So in actuality, when you are manifesting any desire, be it specific person, new love, money, career, house, health, or anything else, every moment in which you persist in your new identity, you are actually persisting in your decision of “this is how it is for me.”

I know it is very tempting to waver and rely on the 3D, especially if it’s showing things opposite to your preference or if you’re not immediately seeing any movement confirming that your efforts are making any difference. But your burning desire to see a change in a situation that you don’t prefer or to see a better version of yourself or your reality must provide the motivation for you to stick to your decision to be the person you have now determined you want to be and to persist in that. It is nothing more than a simple decision, but your determination to stay faithful to it and the new identity you have chosen for yourself can and will literally make the difference between your life continuing unchanged and your new reality materializing before your eyes.

It all starts with a decision. Make it, stick to it, persist in it, and watch your life transform. It may not always be easy, but it really is that simple.

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