Manifesting a specific person and free will

Some people, especially those coming from traditional Law of Attraction teachings, worry that manifesting a specific person means depriving them of their free will, manipulating them, or exercising some sort of mind control over them. However this is a false premise and in direct contrast with the principle of “Everyone Is You Pushed Out” that we’re going to explore further in this post.

First things first though, let’s get one thing clear and out of the way. Conscious manifesting is not magic, witchcraft, mind control or any other obscure practice – in fact all such practices are actually intention setting accompanied by a ritual to help the practitioner strengthen their own faith in what they’re doing. All conscious manifesting is, is changing one’s self to align with the energy of our desired outcome.

The whole vast world is YOU pushed out.

Neville Goddard

What Neville means in the quote above is that the world is always a mirror of our consciousness within. This includes other people. No one is exempt from that law and means that every person we encounter in our life – in any role or capacity – is simply a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and assumptions about ourselves, them, our relationship with them, and also the world at large. Chances are that, if you are having trouble manifesting a specific person – whether it’s for a new relationship, getting back together, or improving an existing relationship – you have certain mental and/or emotional blocks in one or more of the above categories, which your specific person reflects back to you with their words and/or actions (or lack thereof). For example, you may feel like you are not worthy of love (self concept), that your specific person is not ready to commit to a relationship (belief about the other person), that you are very different people wanting different things (assumption about the relationship between you), or that romantic relationships in general are hard (belief about the world at large). Ultimately though, everything ties back to your self concept on some level or other.

Since everyone out there is a mirror of who you are within, it follows that shifting who you are within will also cause a shift in what the mirror reflects back to you. Just like a physical mirror that always reflects what you put in front of it – whether that’s you winking, smiling, frowning, lifting your arm, or scratching your chin, plus an infinite number of other possibilities – everyone else in your life will always reflect your inner energy into the outer world for you to experience. What do you do if you see something you don’t like in a physical mirror? You correct your hair, makeup, or facial expression into something that matches how you actually want to look like. Similarly, by the principles of conscious manifesting, if someone in your outer world reflects something you don’t prefer, what you are supposed to do is correct the overall energy you project (thoughts, inner conversations, feelings, beliefs) to match what you want to experience with the person instead, which, if consistent enough, they will then reflect back to you sooner or later.

Unlike what most dominantly believe, people don’t deliberately set out to hurt you, upset you, make you angry, jealous, or anxious. Rather, they are reflecting these energies that you – as the main player in your reality – first projected out through your inner conversations and feelings, matching those energies to a T, forever obeying your own internal script about yourself, them, your relationship with them, and the world around you.

For others only echo that which we whisper to them in secret.

Neville Goddard, “The Power of Awareness”

You see then why free will isn’t even relevant in this context and why it is not something that you need to worry about when manifesting a specific person. Let go right now of any and all guilt, fear, or doubt about manipulating others or controlling their thoughts. For no one – not even ourselves – has true free will in this 3D world, except in how we perceive and interpret what we experience in our life, as well as in setting intentions – all parts of choosing the state we dwell in. But we definitely all play the part given to us by the energies other people project upon us. And since we live in quantum bubbles where all we can ever experience is our own reality, other people – including our specific person – are compelled to act out that which we “whisper to them in secret”, which we can choose to change and adjust in any given moment.

Posted in Everyone Is You Pushed Out, How to manifest, Specific person and tagged , , , , .