Specific person: why you CAN manifest them and why you SHOULD

In a previous post, I went into detail about why all our desires – be it generic or specific, including the desire for a specific person in our life – are meant for us to have and experience. This post is an add-on to drive the point home that, if your desire is for a specific person, then you absolutely can manifest them, and what’s more than that, you actually should do it.

As we mentioned previously, there is nothing that is off limits to our God nature which we all partake in. All things are possible to God and desires are given to us because they are meant to materialize in the 3D world as one of the infinite expressions of God in this world. We, in our human form, are the vessel through which such expressions come into physical form. God is One Consciousness but with infinite, limitless expressions. Therefore, the desire for a specific person is no different than any other desire, and because all desires are given with the means to their realization already devised – no matter whether our limited human mind can see that clearly or not – it is absolutely possible and doable to manifest a specific person regardless of any 3D circumstances making it seemingly hard or even impossible. Remember that circumstances are only a problem if we perceive them as such. If we remain indifferent to them, or keep a strong conviction that everything happens in our favor, or even that our desire is ours despite any seeming obstacles – all different forms of revision – then they will “magically” either fade away, or change, or will stop mattering even if they remain.

“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

Mark 9:23

There’s even more to it than that. Not only CAN you manifest a specific person, but you also SHOULD (if that’s what you want). As we already said, desires are given to us for a reason. The reason is for us to have them, enjoy them, have a richer human experience while on this earth, but also fulfill our God self’s expression through that desire coming to pass in the material world. So not honoring your desire by holding back, denying it to yourself, doubting or second guessing it would be denying your God self the opportunity to that physical expression that was meant as a gift for you in the first place. All desires are a promise and a gift from your God self and are meant to be taken and accepted as such. If your desire is for a specific person, you would be doing yourself a disservice by not manifesting it and rejecting this gift that has been extended to you as a special possibility for you – and this goes for any and all desires. Accept your desire for a specific person with gratitude – as you would do with any gift – and give it your energy so that you can see it manifest in the physical realm.

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