About me

My name is Christina and I am a mindset and conscious manifesting teacher and coach. I am also a certified NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) practitioner, a life coach, a certified meditation teacher, and a master reiki practitioner.

I have consistently used conscious manifesting to improve all areas of my life and achieve goals big and small! I am committed to helping as many people as possible to harness the power of their mind and soul to create the life they want and deserve, and above all, manifest a balanced, aware, and happy self.

Why coach with me? It’s simple…

I’m all for simplicity and for teaching the most natural and effortless ways to manifest. I strive to focus on the substance and cut out any unnecessary limitations that can often confuse and complicate things. There is sometimes a tendency in the manifesting community to overcomplicate and overanalyze, which can leave people feeling powerless and doubtful of their own abilities.

I take a different approach – one of empowerment and encouragement to help you realize that you already have all the power you need within you, right now.

I do not attach conditions to manifesting. I believe manifesting is easy, natural, and can actually be very fast even for a beginner, and I believe that your desires are given to you because they are meant for you. I will never judge your desires.

I teach my own approaches to manifesting based on personal experience, however I’m most closely aligned with the works of teachers and authors of the Law such as Neville Goddard, Florence Scovel Shinn, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Vadim Zeland (Reality Transurfing), Dr. Maxwell Maltz (PsychoCybernetics), and others.

I view the Law as being based on the principles of the ancient hermetic philosophy and other ancient teachings. Both the spiritual and the scientific/quantum approach to the Law of Assumption intrigue me – I find they complement each other perfectly, and I study and teach both.

My goal for you

My goal is to help you in your journey for as long as you feel you need my support, and I dedicate the same amount of care and attention whether you work with me for one single session or for multiple ones. I don’t believe in “one size fits all” and tailor my approach based on the client’s needs. I’m not in the business of luring you into drawn-out coaching programs that are often designed to benefit the coach’s bottom line more than serving the client – you are always fully in charge of deciding how much or how little coaching you need or want from me.

There are many great coaches out there and I know that you have a lot of options. I am honored that you have chosen to work with me and I deeply appreciate your trust. I look forward to walking with you on your manifesting journey!

Book a session here

More about me

Born and raised in Athens, Greece, as a young adult I found myself living, studying, and working in different places around the world, including London and Los Angeles. I currently live in Denver, Colorado with my husband and young son.

I am an avid reader and a lifelong learner. Expanding my knowledge and understanding of the world has always been one of my biggest passions. Once upon a time I earned a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree (in Communication & Media and Political Studies), which have been great bridges to how my life has unfolded in the last decade and a half. I find joy in many things, among them family, nature, traveling, moving my body, meditating, learning and trying new things, binge studying all things Law-related, and deepening my connection with the people in my life.

I am excited to join you on your manifesting journey!

Book a session here