Specific person: this or something better?

There is a lot of discussion in manifesting communities on whether manifesting a specific person is the way to go when bringing love into your life. To this extent, you will often hear coaches advising people to intend for “this or something better” as a way to avoid fixating on one person, which can sometimes delay a manifestation. I will beg to differ for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, let’s consider the nature and source of our desires. To quote Neville, our desires are given to us by our higher self, our God self within.

“Stop asking yourself whether you are worthy or unworthy to receive that which you desire. You, as man, did not create the desire. Your desires are ever fashioned within you because of what you now claim yourself to be.”

Neville Goddard, “At Your Command”

Being infinite and infinitely wise and knowing, our God self would never come up with any desire that is incapable of materializing in the 3D world. Our desires are meant for us based on what we need at this point in time for our spiritual development and on where we currently are in our level of consciousness, but of course they are also meant to be ours for reasons of pure fun and enjoyment in this human experience we are all taking part in. To summarize the first point, the mere fact that you have a desire automatically means that you are meant to have it and that it is capable of manifesting.

Second point, the statement of “this or something better”, while well-intentioned, also hides a level of fear and doubt in it. Should I fail to manifest my original specific person, I can look forward to “something better” waiting for me down the road. While this sounds like a nice consolation prize in a way, I am very against us coaches telling people who they should or shouldn’t be manifesting or whether it’s right or wrong to manifest a specific person if this is what they choose. We are infinite beings and have the power to shape our lives any way we want. We have also been given our specific desire for a reason and if this sounds foreign to you, I encourage you to go back to the first point and read it again. Once again, our desires are meant for us and we have the right to want to take this journey at this point in time with a specific person rather than someone generic – if this is our desire. There is nothing wrong with changing our mind and deciding later that we’d rather shift our attention to another specific person or to manifesting love in general and being open to a new person that comes along, as either one of these would be a new, separate desire in its own merit. But if our desire pertains to a specific person, then in my opinion we should honor our God self and our desire and confidently focus on that, knowing that the means for our success have already been devised.

Third point, the desire to manifest a specific person into your life does not in fact differ from any other specific desire — whether it be manifesting a house in a specific area, a specific job in a specific company, a specific amount of money, a cure from a specific health problem, a specific gift, specific car make and model, and so on. There is nothing that says that a specific person is off limits, more difficult, more challenging or less ethically correct than any of the above. Again we go back to “our desires are given to us from our God self within and as such, are meant for us to have them and are meant to materialize.”

Last but not least, the “something better” in itself is a moot point. As conscious manifestors, we know that we can choose to shape our reality in any way we choose based on the concept we hold of ourselves and others. This means that the way we perceive another is going to be directly reflected back to us in how they appear in our reality. We also know that every person holds infinite versions of themselves and that there is, right now, a version of that person that is exactly the version we desire to experience that can be brought forth as long as we focus our energy on it. Therefore there is nothing to say that the “something better” cannot be experienced through that specific person that our eyes were set on in the first place. Their “better” version is right there for us to tap into, channel, and sooner or later get to experience and enjoy in our 3D reality.

So if your heart is set on a specific person that is special to you for your own reasons, please don’t listen to any naysayers that may try to convince you not to go for it. It’s a desire like any other desire and it’s as valid as any other specific or general desire. It is also yours, meant and fashioned for you, and designed by your infinite God self just for you to experience and enjoy. Therefore you should absolutely go for it without any guilt, fear, or hesitation.