Manifesting a specific person and free will

Some people, especially those coming from traditional Law of Attraction teachings, worry that manifesting a specific person means depriving them of their free will, manipulating them, or exercising some sort of mind control over them. However this is a false premise and in direct contrast with the principle of “Everyone Is You Pushed Out” that we’re going to explore further in this post.

First things first though, let’s get one thing clear and out of the way. Conscious manifesting is not magic, witchcraft, mind control or any other obscure practice – in fact all such practices are actually intention setting accompanied by a ritual to help the practitioner strengthen their own faith in what they’re doing. All conscious manifesting is, is changing one’s self to align with the energy of our desired outcome.

The whole vast world is YOU pushed out.

Neville Goddard

What Neville means in the quote above is that the world is always a mirror of our consciousness within. This includes other people. No one is exempt from that law and means that every person we encounter in our life – in any role or capacity – is simply a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and assumptions about ourselves, them, our relationship with them, and also the world at large. Chances are that, if you are having trouble manifesting a specific person – whether it’s for a new relationship, getting back together, or improving an existing relationship – you have certain mental and/or emotional blocks in one or more of the above categories, which your specific person reflects back to you with their words and/or actions (or lack thereof). For example, you may feel like you are not worthy of love (self concept), that your specific person is not ready to commit to a relationship (belief about the other person), that you are very different people wanting different things (assumption about the relationship between you), or that romantic relationships in general are hard (belief about the world at large). Ultimately though, everything ties back to your self concept on some level or other.

Since everyone out there is a mirror of who you are within, it follows that shifting who you are within will also cause a shift in what the mirror reflects back to you. Just like a physical mirror that always reflects what you put in front of it – whether that’s you winking, smiling, frowning, lifting your arm, or scratching your chin, plus an infinite number of other possibilities – everyone else in your life will always reflect your inner energy into the outer world for you to experience. What do you do if you see something you don’t like in a physical mirror? You correct your hair, makeup, or facial expression into something that matches how you actually want to look like. Similarly, by the principles of conscious manifesting, if someone in your outer world reflects something you don’t prefer, what you are supposed to do is correct the overall energy you project (thoughts, inner conversations, feelings, beliefs) to match what you want to experience with the person instead, which, if consistent enough, they will then reflect back to you sooner or later.

Unlike what most dominantly believe, people don’t deliberately set out to hurt you, upset you, make you angry, jealous, or anxious. Rather, they are reflecting these energies that you – as the main player in your reality – first projected out through your inner conversations and feelings, matching those energies to a T, forever obeying your own internal script about yourself, them, your relationship with them, and the world around you.

For others only echo that which we whisper to them in secret.

Neville Goddard, “The Power of Awareness”

You see then why free will isn’t even relevant in this context and why it is not something that you need to worry about when manifesting a specific person. Let go right now of any and all guilt, fear, or doubt about manipulating others or controlling their thoughts. For no one – not even ourselves – has true free will in this 3D world, except in how we perceive and interpret what we experience in our life, as well as in setting intentions – all parts of choosing the state we dwell in. But we definitely all play the part given to us by the energies other people project upon us. And since we live in quantum bubbles where all we can ever experience is our own reality, other people – including our specific person – are compelled to act out that which we “whisper to them in secret”, which we can choose to change and adjust in any given moment.

How to use revision in everyday life

We’ve said previously that the purpose of revision is not to change external events or circumstances, but rather to change how we ourselves feel about a certain event, circumstance, person, or even about ourselves. In other words, if we change our energy towards it, that in itself will then prompt external circumstances (including other people) to reflect a change back to us. In this post, we are going to explore a few different practical ways through which we can use revision in everyday life, always keeping in mind that the first goal is to change how we feel about whatever we are revising.

  • Neville’s way, aka re-imagine the scene a different way: In “The Pruning Shears of Revision”, Neville encourages us to re-imagine an incident that didn’t go as we had hoped or wanted in a different way that reflects a different development, aligned with what we actually want to have happened. For example, let’s say you got an email with disappointing news. In Neville’s way, you would go within and imagine that email to say what you wish it said instead. You do this as many times as needed until you start feeling better about the unwanted incident, i.e. until your energy starts to change from frustration, sadness, anxiety, disappointment, anger to that of calmness, relief, confidence, gratitude or other similar energy. In some cases, the shift in energy may even take the form of indifference, i.e. you are no longer bothered by what happened, and that is also a good sign. Depending on the level of resistance you have to the new story, it may take several repetitions until you start feeling the effect of your energy changing. Keep at it. In some cases you may only do it once or twice and immediately feel the shift. In other cases it may take days or even weeks of repetition. Both scenarios are fine and normal. It is not necessary to actually forget what happened initially, but remember you are going for a change in attitude and feeling towards what happened. You need to be able to not dwell on it anymore with pain and hurt attached to the memory of it.
  • Give the story a different meaning that aligns with your desired outcome: Remember that everything and everyone is you pushed out, so this is actually a very effective way to deal with an unwanted event, as what you think, believe and assume is literally what you end up seeing in your reality. In this technique, you do not change the facts of what has occurred, but you change the interpretation of the facts and your perception of them to something desirable or at least neutral. For example, let’s say your specific person took hours to respond to your message and that has upset you. Instead of giving it the meaning that they are ignoring you, don’t care about you, don’t love you, don’t want to talk to you, and this entire negative spiral of thoughts, feelings and self-pity, you give it a different meaning that suits you. For example, you may instead convince yourself that they have lost their phone, that they are sleeping, that they are swamped with back to back meetings, or even that they are actually on their way to your home to surprise you with a visit, but that in any event, you will be hearing from them shortly and that you are on their mind regardless. The new meaning in itself doesn’t matter as long as it’s something that feels good to you. The more you’re able to believe the new meaning you assign to the story, the better, because the easier it will be for your subconscious to accept it. So make sure it’s something believable to you that you can get behind and repeat to yourself until you feel your grip loosening and your desperation going down and you stop dwelling negatively on the fact.
  • Everything is a bridge bringing you closer to your desired outcome: In this method, you don’t even need to revise any of the facts, but it is important to stay neutral about what has happened (it’s ok to acknowledge that it wasn’t what you ideally wanted, but don’t dwell on it) and to not pass any judgment to the best of your ability. Instead, you observe the event as it occurred – if you’re a more advanced practitioner, feel free to do some reverse engineering and connect the event that was mirrored back to you with your inner beliefs or assumptions where it came from – and reassure yourself that, even if it looks bad at first glance, it is still working in your favor and it is still a bridge working for you, not against you, with the sole purpose of bringing your desired outcome to you. The folk story of the young peasant who broke his legs and whose whole village pitied him for his misfortune, only for him to find out a few days later that war had broken and that his disability had saved him from being drafted as a soldier to the war is a perfect example of that. Something seemingly bad or negative turns out instead to be a big blessing in disguise. Assume that everything is working in your favor no matter how it may look like at first. Believe that everything and everyone in the world is a bridge bringing your desire to you, even if it you can’t immediately tell how it connects to it.
  • Accept it and persist in your desired outcome: Another effortless way to revise something unwanted, similar to the point above, is to accept that it happened but persist in the inner knowing that your desire is yours regardless and will be made manifest in your world anyway. Losing a battle doesn’t need to mean that the war is lost – in fact the war is never lost unless you decide it is – so don’t blow any hiccups in the way out of proportion and continue to believe that things are going to turn out the way you want them to anyway, no matter what may come in the way. Accepting an event doesn’t mean accepting that it will or can never change. All it means is that you observe it, drop any resistance to it having happened, and persist in your end result regardless, knowing that your desire is indeed yours come rain or shine.

All the above methods are valid and equally ‘correct’, and you may find yourself having a favorite one or choosing to implement a different one each time depending on the circumstance, your own levels of resistance to it, and how you generally feel at each given time. My only advice is to choose what feels best and most natural to you, so there really is no right or wrong way of doing revision. There is also no right or wrong way of implementing the revision. Some people prefer to script it and read their new story over as many times as needed. Others prefer to visualize or imagine using their senses. Others prefer to construct a short scene or inner conversation that reflects their new story. Yet others like to affirm or rampage to themselves, either on a loop until they feel better, or every time the story comes to mind, or even intermittently as they feel like it. Again there is no right or wrong way other than what feels right to you. Be bold and go for what feels most natural, and you will soon start feeling the shift within, which is where the outer magic that shifts things in the external also begins.

Let’s talk about self concept

There is a lot of confusion and misinformation in the manifesting community about what self concept really refers to. Most coaches and manifesting practitioners out there will usually define self concept (or concept of self) as your thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions about yourself. Some will even go a step further and define it as your own set of thoughts, beliefs and assumptions about yourself in relation to another person, situation, or circumstance in your life. This is why most of the time you are being told to affirm for your self concept if there are changes you want or feel you need to make. While all this is undoubtedly true and accurate, it doesn’t tell the whole story. Self concept actually goes much deeper than your beliefs about yourself, and while affirming for it is totally fine, I would argue that self concept actually encompasses your entire view of your entire world. Let’s dive in a little deeper.

Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live.

Neville Goddard, “Your Faith is Your Fortune”

Neville spoke a lot about self concept, yet always in a broader, more encompassing way than most modern coaches do. Yes, it is all about who you think, feel, believe, assume yourself to be in each area and aspect of your life, but it actually also includes how you perceive everything and everyone else that comes into your 3D experience in one way or another. Let me explain. Those of us practicing conscious creation know that ‘the whole vast world is yourself pushed out’ to use another popular Neville quote. This means that everything and everyone we experience in our current reality is perceived and interpreted through the filter of our own self concept and it actually mirrors back to us a piece of our own consciousness.

Simply put, if I’m dominantly wearing the self concept of victimhood, I am likely to perceive anything my friend, specific person, colleague or anyone else in my reality does or says through that lens and interpret it as further confirmation of my existing victimhood bias, therefore most likely feel rejected, abandoned, unloved, unworthy, or wronged by them one way or another. This will also affect my view of what is or isn’t possible for me in my life, for example I may find it much harder to believe that I have a good shot at a promotion at work and may use my victimhood mentality to further confirm to myself that this is impossible for me because my boss hates me and my work colleagues are against me. Because I see myself through the filter of victimhood, I am also likely to attract circumstances and people in my life further confirming this bias, which may often come not just from myself but from other people as well and their own circumstances. For example, I may have a colleague at work who often complains to me about similar issues as the ones I myself always seem to face – how they are always passed up for a promotion, how the boss doesn’t like them, how they always get the worst shifts because the manager is on a mission to make their life miserable, or how they can never make ends meet with how much they’re getting paid. Over time, and usually without realizing, my concept of victimhood will also extend beyond my immediate life and environment and I will start seeing evidence of it anywhere I look, confirming my bias even more – for example, in the news, in social media, through stories I hear about friends of friends, or even broadly accepted concepts by society which further prove to me that my concept of the world is truly accurate. For remember, everything around us is in reality a manifested experience, forever matching our inner world and providing evidence of who we are within.

By contrast, if my dominant self concept is that of someone who is loved, appreciated, respected, seen and heard in their reality, my experience in life and the world is likely to be vastly different. To take the same examples as above, I probably already have my promotion at work which I got in a shorter time than most other people in my company, and I probably didn’t even think twice about whether I deserved it, or of any obstacles in pursuing it in the first place. I likely thought from the outset that I had a great chance of getting it because I’m great at what I do, my work is appreciated by my superiors and I know that my colleagues love me, just as I love them. Besides, I know I interview well and I further justify this to myself because I’ve been offered most jobs I’ve interviewed for in my career. My work environment is likely a healthy, fun one and I enjoy spending time with my teammates and forming connections with them. I don’t think anyone hates me, and even if I stumble on the occasional hiccup with someone at work, I confidently resolve the issue with them in a friendly and respectful manner, which actually has the positive side effect of bringing us closer as colleagues. I am likely to hear a lot about others’ work opportunities, successes and promotions, and my broader view of the world is also likely to mirror similar incidents back to me, for example my friend posting on social media about her new job offer, my other friend being super excited about starting their own business, and a third friend telling me about their brother moving to another country to pursue an exciting opportunity. I am also likely to think of others as successful, happy with their work lives and always progressing professionally in ways that satisfy and fulfill them. For my consciousness is what creates what I get to experience in my world and the world has no choice but to mirror back to me evidence of who I am inside through personal experiences, but also through other people and their own circumstances.

You see then that self concept goes far beyond who I perceive myself to be and that it actually reflects who I perceive the entire world to be, including who I am in relation to everything and everyone in my world and how the world treats me. It also includes what I feel and believe is possible for me and why, and what I expect to experience in each situation or circumstance involving myself and others – whether they are in my inner circle or whether it’s society as a whole. Simply put, self concept is the identity we dominantly wear in the world that determines what we see, perceive, focus on, believe, assume, think, feel, and ultimately what energy we put out into the world as well as what energy we receive back from the world around us.

Revision and what it’s all about

“Revision is of greatest importance when the motive is to change oneself, when there is a sincere desire to be something different, when the longing is to awaken the ideal active spirit of forgiveness. Without imagination, man remains a being of sin. Man either goes forward to imagination or remains imprisoned in his senses. To go forward to imagination is to forgive. Forgiveness is the life of the imagination. The art of living is the art of forgiving.”

Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard was a big proponent of revision. He taught that it’s the tool by which we are able to move forward into the future by removing the emotional and mental burdens of our past and present. He even argued that, without revision, a hurtful past event does not actually stay in the past, but is carried into the present moment, perpetually re-infecting our present reality every time it’s revisited as a painful memory.

But how does revision actually work and what is it’s actual purpose and mechanism? The concept of revision can be somewhat confusing, especially to those just starting out, because it can be easy to assume that what we’re doing with revision is straight out changing actual past events. While this isn’t necessarily inaccurate, the mechanism by which revision works merits some clarification. While me may choose to revise an unfavorable event or situation by imagining it transpiring in a different, more favorable way, the way Neville taught it (and it’s worth mentioning here that there isn’t only one way to revise – but this is beyond the scope of this article and we will go into more depth in a future post), the first and main purpose of applying revision is to change our own thoughts, feelings, and energy surrounding said event or situation.

“Change the way you see things, and the things you see will change.”

Wayne Dyer

The above quote from Wayne Dyer captures the essence of revision. We do not apply revision to change the actual event, but to change the way we see this event internally. Change always starts within and is then projected out. It’s never the other way around. This is how the Law works and there are no exceptions. Changing your energy regarding a specific event or situation that has hurt or triggered you in the past or the present — your thoughts, feelings, assumptions, inner emotions, opinions — will inevitably cause you to see this event in a completely new way, under an entirely new light, and to feel very differently about it. It will remove feelings such as being triggered, hurt, annoyed, angry, upset, jealous, or feeling like a victim — all these low energies that keep us stuck in unwanted states of being. Now what happens after that change has occurred in a genuine, sustained way is when the true magic begins. Just like Wayne Dyer implied in his quote, things (and this includes people, circumstances, events and situations) begin to change as well in all sorts of exciting ways. For example, you may notice that someone in your life starts treating you much better than before after you have revised the way you perceive them and have allowed that new perception to become dominant in your consciousness. You may find that a circumstance you previously thought to be insurmountable all of a sudden shifts or disappears or stops mattering. You may even experience people remembering past events differently after you’ve shifted your state in relation to those events. For example, someone may no longer remember a fight they had with you or the hurtful words they might have said to you and are now behaving in a completely different way that’s aligned to your revised state. These are all proper quantum shifts in your reality, brought about by your shifting your state in connection to a person, event, or circumstance. All this happens because you, the observer of all things in your reality, have shifted, and as a result, your world, being your mirror at all times, has to shift with you. This is the Law.

So don’t take revision to be a tool to change external events and circumstances you don’t like. It all goes back to you before anything can change in the external. Through revision, you shift yourself and your perception of things in your reality to allow a new reality to emerge. It is then that you will experience the material world shifting in ways that you may never have thought possible. But for this to happen, YOU need to change first and the change in your energy has to be genuine, sustained and consistent for the seeming miracles to start pouring in. Revision is an excellent tool that can allow that to occur.

Decide it is how you want it to be and watch it manifest

It sounds simple, maybe even simplistic, but it all starts with a decision. A firm, unwavering, strong decision that what you want to manifest is already yours. I will make another post to go into more depth on the whole principle of why desires are actually a promise and why the moment you desire something it is already done for you in the higher dimensions, but for the purposes of this post, let’s accept these principles as true and focus on how to make this desire ours in the 3D. And it literally all revolves around a decision. It is that simple.

You see, in this Law of Perception as I love to call it, attitude matters. It’s your attitude towards yourself, other people, things, circumstances and situations in your life that determines how all of the above shows up for you in your reality. In other words, how you perceive things, people and yourself in relation to these literally gets reflected back to you in the exact image and likeness of what you have imagined, what you have projected outwards. The good news is, nothing unwanted is set in stone and everything wanted can stay set in stone forever, and what determines either is your decision that it is so. When you complain that your SP is taking forever to respond to you, that they must not care about you enough, or that they must be entertaining other people, you have literally decided that to be the case. Similarly, when you state and feel that you are in a beautiful relationship, that you are loved, cherished and cared for, that you are magnetic and irreplaceable and that anyone would want you because you’re that awesome, you again decide that this is how things are for you in your life.

It literally all starts with a decision. And if things in certain areas of your life aren’t going as you would ideally want them to, guess what: you can decide to change your perception of them and begin to view them in a different way that is closely aligned to what you actually want to experience. And you can decide that in a mere second. It doesn’t take longer than that. When you decide to change aspects of your reality and bring them to where your ideal would be, what you do by persisting in your new assumptions is actually persisting in your decision of “this is how I choose things to be for me, this is what I want, and therefore this is the new version of myself and my reality that I am choosing to embrace from this moment onwards.” So in actuality, when you are manifesting any desire, be it specific person, new love, money, career, house, health, or anything else, every moment in which you persist in your new identity, you are actually persisting in your decision of “this is how it is for me.”

I know it is very tempting to waver and rely on the 3D, especially if it’s showing things opposite to your preference or if you’re not immediately seeing any movement confirming that your efforts are making any difference. But your burning desire to see a change in a situation that you don’t prefer or to see a better version of yourself or your reality must provide the motivation for you to stick to your decision to be the person you have now determined you want to be and to persist in that. It is nothing more than a simple decision, but your determination to stay faithful to it and the new identity you have chosen for yourself can and will literally make the difference between your life continuing unchanged and your new reality materializing before your eyes.

It all starts with a decision. Make it, stick to it, persist in it, and watch your life transform. It may not always be easy, but it really is that simple.