Why circumstances don’t matter when manifesting.

Doubt is a common occurrence while manifesting our desires, especially at the beginning of our journey. More often than not, doubts have to do with the circumstances surrounding the fulfillment of our desires, which we often tend to view as insurmountable or very difficult. Every spiritual teacher tells us in one way or another that “circumstances don’t matter” when it comes to the Law and that we need to have faith and stay loyal to our vision. But why is it that circumstances don’t actually matter and how do we go about believing that so that we can rid ourselves of the burden of constantly second guessing our desires and doubting their manifestation into the 3D? Read on as we discuss this topic that all of us have encountered at one point or another.

Circumstances, no matter how difficult, opposing or impossible they may feel, are without exception manifestations of our dominant assumptions, beliefs, subconscious patterns, and self concept at one time or another. And since, as conscious manifestors, we are training ourselves to shift our state to assumptions, beliefs, subconscious patterns and a self concept that are more aligned to what we actually want to experience in our 3D reality, we know that we can shift, change and alter anything to our preference and choice. There is an infinite number of versions of reality that have already been created and all we do as conscious manifestors is to draw from that infinite field and choose the versions of reality, people and experiences we wish to encounter or improve or change our current reality to.

The challenge most people face is that they cannot properly detach from previous versions of reality that are either in their memory or even still appearing in their 3D reality, creating the illusion that change is impossible or at the very least, very difficult. In actuality, change is just a matter of decision. As Neville Goddard tells us, we first need a burning desire for a change – without that, the motivation to stay consistent and disciplined to imagining our desired reality and shutting out all other opposing options is nonexistent and hence likely to fail us. Given that burning desire, we then decide that our manifestation is ours (chosen from the infinite field of possibilities already there) and stay in that inner knowing and conviction no matter what the 3D may be showing us or what doubts our mind might present us with.

Circumstances can and totally do change, all the time in fact. One of the few certainties in life is change. We all know cases in ourselves and others of seemingly impossible odds being overcome, but the reason we can’t allow ourselves the luxury of believing the same when it comes to manifestations that we deem really important is that we become too emotionally involved and thus can’t see clearly. Knowing the fundamentals of the Law and how it works and why, we can actually detach some from our desire and realize that no circumstance is insurmountable or impossible to change because the possibility and potential is already there. All we have to do is connect with it in imagination and embody the person who already is, has and does whatever it is that we want to be, have, or do. If we remain indifferent to circumstances, they have no choice but to actually shift eventually or just stop mattering, because we have chosen and focused on a new reality, and those circumstances belong in the old reality we are no longer aligned to, so they have to vanish along with that reality.

Feeling anxious while manifesting? Try these.

Anxious thoughts and feelings are common when manifesting, especially in the beginning stages of one’s manifesting journey where we don’t yet fully understand or appreciate own true power. Regardless, such states can feel very real and all-consuming while we’re going through them. So with this in mind, here are a few practical tips that can help you feel better and break the intrusive thought patterns when they start arising.

1) Start breathing in and out slowly. Focus all your attention on your breathing. This will interrupt the pattern of intrusive thoughts in your mind. Repeat the breathing until you feel better – typically it only takes a few minutes or less.

2) Get up and move your body. Go for a walk or a jog. Hit the gym. Dance in your living room. Do some yoga. Even clean your home if you prefer. Moving your body helps any pent up blocked energy to move through you and you will quickly feel much better.

3) Remember the fundamentals of the Law. Your desire already exists in the quantum field (4th dimension) – you’re not creating anything from scratch, you’re just focusing on your desired outcome to bring it forth to the 3D. Your desire is already your and waiting for you!

4) Distract yourself. Anything in point #2 is a great option here, or you can do something else. Read a book. Watch a movie. Call a friend. Clean up a mess in your home. Check your to-do list and pick an item or two to tackle. Anything that doesn’t require any deep level of thinking and can distract your mind through entertainment or can help you feel like you’re accomplishing something will do.

5) If you’re still feeling anxious and worried, give yourself a hug. Allow yourself to let out any feelings and don’t be afraid to cry, scream, punch a pillow, or anything else might help you feel better. Remind yourself that everything will be ok, that you are ok, that you are worthy and loved, and that you will feel better again soon.

Manifesting a Specific Person: you only need to convince yourself

Manifesting a specific person is no different to manifesting any other goal or desire. All it comes down to is convincing yourself that you already have them. Even if you don’t yet see it in the 3D reality, you still develop the confidence, inner knowing and conviction that your desire is going to show up in your 3D sooner or later and keep living life feeling content.

Here is a quick guide on how to get to that state of conviction and how to make it your dominant state:

1) Have a solid foundation about how the Law works. Above all, remember that consciousness is primordial. This will help tremendously to strengthen your faith. There is nothing above consciousness and what you decide in consciousness is up to you and you alone.

2) Believe in yourself. You can do it and you already have all the answers within you. This goes hand in hand with point #1. Knowing how the Law works, gives you the confidence to know that you and you alone can bring about that change in your life regardless of circumstances, the current 3D reality or anything else showing up as a ‘barrier’.

3) Know that your desire is already yours. If it was given to you by your higher self, then it it’s meant for you, and the means to realize it have already been devised. They may not yet be obvious in the 3D, but they do exist and they will manifest in the most natural possible ways – the path of least resistance.

4) Focus your imagination on all the things you want to experience with your specific person. Treat any old stories as old news, or revise them. You’re in a new reality now and the past doesn’t apply anymore. Be consistent with your new story.

5) Live your life. Pursue all your other goals. Have fun and make your days as happy as possible, filled with things and experiences you enjoy. This will help you incorporate the previous points so much easier too. The more content you are with your life in general, the easier it is for you to imagine favorably about yourself and embody the conviction, confidence and expectation that more good things are coming your way!