Revision and what it’s all about

“Revision is of greatest importance when the motive is to change oneself, when there is a sincere desire to be something different, when the longing is to awaken the ideal active spirit of forgiveness. Without imagination, man remains a being of sin. Man either goes forward to imagination or remains imprisoned in his senses. To go forward to imagination is to forgive. Forgiveness is the life of the imagination. The art of living is the art of forgiving.”

Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard was a big proponent of revision. He taught that it’s the tool by which we are able to move forward into the future by removing the emotional and mental burdens of our past and present. He even argued that, without revision, a hurtful past event does not actually stay in the past, but is carried into the present moment, perpetually re-infecting our present reality every time it’s revisited as a painful memory.

But how does revision actually work and what is it’s actual purpose and mechanism? The concept of revision can be somewhat confusing, especially to those just starting out, because it can be easy to assume that what we’re doing with revision is straight out changing actual past events. While this isn’t necessarily inaccurate, the mechanism by which revision works merits some clarification. While me may choose to revise an unfavorable event or situation by imagining it transpiring in a different, more favorable way, the way Neville taught it (and it’s worth mentioning here that there isn’t only one way to revise – but this is beyond the scope of this article and we will go into more depth in a future post), the first and main purpose of applying revision is to change our own thoughts, feelings, and energy surrounding said event or situation.

“Change the way you see things, and the things you see will change.”

Wayne Dyer

The above quote from Wayne Dyer captures the essence of revision. We do not apply revision to change the actual event, but to change the way we see this event internally. Change always starts within and is then projected out. It’s never the other way around. This is how the Law works and there are no exceptions. Changing your energy regarding a specific event or situation that has hurt or triggered you in the past or the present — your thoughts, feelings, assumptions, inner emotions, opinions — will inevitably cause you to see this event in a completely new way, under an entirely new light, and to feel very differently about it. It will remove feelings such as being triggered, hurt, annoyed, angry, upset, jealous, or feeling like a victim — all these low energies that keep us stuck in unwanted states of being. Now what happens after that change has occurred in a genuine, sustained way is when the true magic begins. Just like Wayne Dyer implied in his quote, things (and this includes people, circumstances, events and situations) begin to change as well in all sorts of exciting ways. For example, you may notice that someone in your life starts treating you much better than before after you have revised the way you perceive them and have allowed that new perception to become dominant in your consciousness. You may find that a circumstance you previously thought to be insurmountable all of a sudden shifts or disappears or stops mattering. You may even experience people remembering past events differently after you’ve shifted your state in relation to those events. For example, someone may no longer remember a fight they had with you or the hurtful words they might have said to you and are now behaving in a completely different way that’s aligned to your revised state. These are all proper quantum shifts in your reality, brought about by your shifting your state in connection to a person, event, or circumstance. All this happens because you, the observer of all things in your reality, have shifted, and as a result, your world, being your mirror at all times, has to shift with you. This is the Law.

So don’t take revision to be a tool to change external events and circumstances you don’t like. It all goes back to you before anything can change in the external. Through revision, you shift yourself and your perception of things in your reality to allow a new reality to emerge. It is then that you will experience the material world shifting in ways that you may never have thought possible. But for this to happen, YOU need to change first and the change in your energy has to be genuine, sustained and consistent for the seeming miracles to start pouring in. Revision is an excellent tool that can allow that to occur.

Decide it is how you want it to be and watch it manifest

It sounds simple, maybe even simplistic, but it all starts with a decision. A firm, unwavering, strong decision that what you want to manifest is already yours. I will make another post to go into more depth on the whole principle of why desires are actually a promise and why the moment you desire something it is already done for you in the higher dimensions, but for the purposes of this post, let’s accept these principles as true and focus on how to make this desire ours in the 3D. And it literally all revolves around a decision. It is that simple.

You see, in this Law of Perception as I love to call it, attitude matters. It’s your attitude towards yourself, other people, things, circumstances and situations in your life that determines how all of the above shows up for you in your reality. In other words, how you perceive things, people and yourself in relation to these literally gets reflected back to you in the exact image and likeness of what you have imagined, what you have projected outwards. The good news is, nothing unwanted is set in stone and everything wanted can stay set in stone forever, and what determines either is your decision that it is so. When you complain that your SP is taking forever to respond to you, that they must not care about you enough, or that they must be entertaining other people, you have literally decided that to be the case. Similarly, when you state and feel that you are in a beautiful relationship, that you are loved, cherished and cared for, that you are magnetic and irreplaceable and that anyone would want you because you’re that awesome, you again decide that this is how things are for you in your life.

It literally all starts with a decision. And if things in certain areas of your life aren’t going as you would ideally want them to, guess what: you can decide to change your perception of them and begin to view them in a different way that is closely aligned to what you actually want to experience. And you can decide that in a mere second. It doesn’t take longer than that. When you decide to change aspects of your reality and bring them to where your ideal would be, what you do by persisting in your new assumptions is actually persisting in your decision of “this is how I choose things to be for me, this is what I want, and therefore this is the new version of myself and my reality that I am choosing to embrace from this moment onwards.” So in actuality, when you are manifesting any desire, be it specific person, new love, money, career, house, health, or anything else, every moment in which you persist in your new identity, you are actually persisting in your decision of “this is how it is for me.”

I know it is very tempting to waver and rely on the 3D, especially if it’s showing things opposite to your preference or if you’re not immediately seeing any movement confirming that your efforts are making any difference. But your burning desire to see a change in a situation that you don’t prefer or to see a better version of yourself or your reality must provide the motivation for you to stick to your decision to be the person you have now determined you want to be and to persist in that. It is nothing more than a simple decision, but your determination to stay faithful to it and the new identity you have chosen for yourself can and will literally make the difference between your life continuing unchanged and your new reality materializing before your eyes.

It all starts with a decision. Make it, stick to it, persist in it, and watch your life transform. It may not always be easy, but it really is that simple.

Specific person: this or something better?

There is a lot of discussion in manifesting communities on whether manifesting a specific person is the way to go when bringing love into your life. To this extent, you will often hear coaches advising people to intend for “this or something better” as a way to avoid fixating on one person, which can sometimes delay a manifestation. I will beg to differ for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, let’s consider the nature and source of our desires. To quote Neville, our desires are given to us by our higher self, our God self within.

“Stop asking yourself whether you are worthy or unworthy to receive that which you desire. You, as man, did not create the desire. Your desires are ever fashioned within you because of what you now claim yourself to be.”

Neville Goddard, “At Your Command”

Being infinite and infinitely wise and knowing, our God self would never come up with any desire that is incapable of materializing in the 3D world. Our desires are meant for us based on what we need at this point in time for our spiritual development and on where we currently are in our level of consciousness, but of course they are also meant to be ours for reasons of pure fun and enjoyment in this human experience we are all taking part in. To summarize the first point, the mere fact that you have a desire automatically means that you are meant to have it and that it is capable of manifesting.

Second point, the statement of “this or something better”, while well-intentioned, also hides a level of fear and doubt in it. Should I fail to manifest my original specific person, I can look forward to “something better” waiting for me down the road. While this sounds like a nice consolation prize in a way, I am very against us coaches telling people who they should or shouldn’t be manifesting or whether it’s right or wrong to manifest a specific person if this is what they choose. We are infinite beings and have the power to shape our lives any way we want. We have also been given our specific desire for a reason and if this sounds foreign to you, I encourage you to go back to the first point and read it again. Once again, our desires are meant for us and we have the right to want to take this journey at this point in time with a specific person rather than someone generic – if this is our desire. There is nothing wrong with changing our mind and deciding later that we’d rather shift our attention to another specific person or to manifesting love in general and being open to a new person that comes along, as either one of these would be a new, separate desire in its own merit. But if our desire pertains to a specific person, then in my opinion we should honor our God self and our desire and confidently focus on that, knowing that the means for our success have already been devised.

Third point, the desire to manifest a specific person into your life does not in fact differ from any other specific desire — whether it be manifesting a house in a specific area, a specific job in a specific company, a specific amount of money, a cure from a specific health problem, a specific gift, specific car make and model, and so on. There is nothing that says that a specific person is off limits, more difficult, more challenging or less ethically correct than any of the above. Again we go back to “our desires are given to us from our God self within and as such, are meant for us to have them and are meant to materialize.”

Last but not least, the “something better” in itself is a moot point. As conscious manifestors, we know that we can choose to shape our reality in any way we choose based on the concept we hold of ourselves and others. This means that the way we perceive another is going to be directly reflected back to us in how they appear in our reality. We also know that every person holds infinite versions of themselves and that there is, right now, a version of that person that is exactly the version we desire to experience that can be brought forth as long as we focus our energy on it. Therefore there is nothing to say that the “something better” cannot be experienced through that specific person that our eyes were set on in the first place. Their “better” version is right there for us to tap into, channel, and sooner or later get to experience and enjoy in our 3D reality.

So if your heart is set on a specific person that is special to you for your own reasons, please don’t listen to any naysayers that may try to convince you not to go for it. It’s a desire like any other desire and it’s as valid as any other specific or general desire. It is also yours, meant and fashioned for you, and designed by your infinite God self just for you to experience and enjoy. Therefore you should absolutely go for it without any guilt, fear, or hesitation.

Law of Attraction, Law of Assumption, or both?

Thanks to books and movies like “The Secret”, a lot of people know and practice the Law of Attraction. Much fewer have heard about “the Law of Assumption”, yet this is what Neville Goddard taught. Neville never actually used the term “attraction” to describe this Law he so intimately knew, taught and practiced for himself and on behalf of others. Neville also occasionally used the term “the Law of Consciousness” which is just as accurate. So which is it? Attraction, assumption, both, something else?

My answer is: all of the above, plus more. The name isn’t of that much importance as are the principles behind it. Now there is often a lot of heat around the Law of Attraction from those practicing the Law of Assumption and Neville’s teachings because LOA (as Law of Attraction is also known) often emphasizes using techniques – admittedly sometimes ridiculous ones, like drinking from two glasses of water or the 55 x 5 method – in order to manifest your desires. This is by no means necessary, but what both kinds of teachings are trying to do in reality is to train your subconscious mind to accept your desire as done and already true in the objective world. This is one of the main principles of conscious manifesting and ultimately, how one chooses to do it is up to them. The methods by which this can be achieved are numerous and are beyond the scope of this post.

LOA also teaches vibrational alignment with your desire – in simpler terms, LOA proponents believe that, by aligning your state of being with what you desire to experience, which will produce corresponding vibrational frequencies that will attract what you want, is needed to bring you your desire. This isn’t technically wrong and it isn’t actually in opposition with the Law of Assumption either, at least the way Neville taught it.

“Speech and images are projected not as speech or images but as vibratory correlates. Subjective mind vibrates according to the modifications it undergoes by the thought and feelings of the operator. The visible state created is the effect of the subjective vibrations. A feeling is always accompanied by a corresponding vibration, that is, a change in expression or sensation in the operator.”

Neville Goddard, “Prayer, The Art of Believing”

But what LOA gets wrong about this is how things actually work for one’s desires to manifest in the 3D world. You see, there is no Universe outside of you waiting for your vibration to match your desire in order to bring it to you, but rather YOU ARE the Universe. In other words, the Universe and everything in it is already within you. This means that your manifested desire is already within you in your infinite imagination and the way to bring it forth into the objective 3D world is to decide that you want it and focus your state of being on already having it, being it. First you become the person who already has their desire within and then the 3D world matches that inner state and brings that state forth for you to experience as you commanded internally. This is probably the main difference between LOA and the Law of Assumption, but aside from that, the teachings of both are very similar and it would be unfair to discredit LOA as overall wrong or generally inaccurate.

I personally use the term “Law of Assumption” when explaining what I practice, but I see both terms as similar and almost identical. The term “Law of Consciousness” as used by Neville is also very accurate as everything is consciousness and consciousness is the beginning of all, so it follows very naturally that we get to experience what we are conscious of, aware of in each given moment. I personally believe that another very fitting term would be “Law of Perception”. It is our perception of everything we experience, what meanings we give it, how we interpret it, what stories we build around each fact that plays out in our world, that determines what we think, how we feel, how we act or react, what we decide, etc. It is therefore very important that our perception of everything that happens remains aligned with our desired reality – remember, facts are neutral, it’s the stories we build around them that are often emotionally charged with meanings that may or may not serve us. So it’s essential we make a conscious effort to interpret and perceive everything as working in our favor, because it is. Even when we cannot see it, even when we think we are seeing the opposite of what we want (emphasis on “think” – the 3D world can sometimes be very deceiving), things are still working in our favor and for us, not against us. I will make a dedicated post about this in the future to go into more depth, but for now suffices to keep in mind that how you perceive anything that happens in your 3D reality can determine how fast your desires can manifest for you, so remember to treat everything as a bridge bringing you closer to your desire, because this is what it actually is.

To wrap this up, whatever name you prefer you use for this Law is beside the point. The point all of us need to be focused on is what mental and emotional states – what states of being – we occupy in each given moment, on each given day, and how these states aid or hinder our desires from becoming visible in the 3D world. Only by focusing our energy on the states that align with what we want to experience, by accepting and allowing the heaven within us to blossom, will we be able to shift our outer reality to what we prefer to be experiencing, regardless of what name we use for this universal Law.