Coaching agreement

By booking an individual or group coaching session with me or by purchasing a coaching package, you agree that you have read, understood and consent to the following coaching agreement. In cases of groups, it is understood that the entire group is familiar with and consents to the following agreement:

Effect of the Agreement:

This agreement takes effect immediately upon booking a coaching session or coaching package, and remains in effect for the entire time we work together.

My commitment and responsibilities towards you (the client/s):

I commit to creating a safe, respectful, accepting, non-discriminatory and non-judgmental environment in all our sessions. I will never discriminate against you on the basis of color, race, ethnicity, age, faith, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, disability, or circumstances you may discuss during our session. I commit to using my knowledge and skills to the best of my ability to help you reach your goals. I commit to actively listening, engaging with you and guiding you to the best of my ability during our sessions. I commit to keeping your information and our discussions strictly confidential unless you have given me permission to publicly use your story (anonymously) as educational or motivational content. I commit to being on time for all scheduled sessions and to delivering any additional purchased material or product in a timely manner. As the client, you maintain the right to end a session or our coaching relationship at any time for any reason.

Your commitments and responsibilities towards me (the coach):

By booking coaching with me, you agree to conduct yourself in a respectful manner towards me at all times, including when addressing concerns or objections. You agree to pay for sessions in a timely manner and to be on time for all sessions. If you need to cancel or reschedule a session, you agree to notify me at the earliest possible time and to adhere to my cancellation and rescheduling policy (see below). Verbal, emotional or psychological abuse of any kind as well as sexual harassment are not tolerated and is grounds for immediate termination of a session and of our coaching relationship. As the coach, I maintain the right to refuse to provide further services to you if you repeatedly fail to pay for sessions in a timely manner or if you repeatedly fail to keep appointments or show up on time for our scheduled sessions. I maintain the right to terminate our coaching relationship for reasons of inappropriate or disrespectful conduct or interaction during or outside sessions, or for reasons of misfit between your expectations and my coaching methods.

Payment for services:

Payment for services is collected at the time of booking and shall be in full unless otherwise specified. Payment is made online via a secure server. Your data is kept strictly confidential and secure at all times. Your session is considered confirmed only after payment has been successfully submitted.

Accepted payment methods:

Booking coaching or other services can be done securely and fast through my website. My booking platform accepts all major international currencies and all major credit and debit cards from around the world. Alternatively, you can send me direct payment via PayPal (worldwide) or Venmo (US residents only) upon prior agreement. PayPal or Venmo payment needs to be completed first before an appointment slot can be booked or purchase of a service can be confirmed.

Platform used for 1-on-1 video call coaching:

1-on-1 coaching calls typically take place over Skype. Upon booking, you will receive a confirmation email containing information on how to find me and add me as a contact on Skype. Coaching sessions can be recorded over Skype upon request to give you the option to revisit our conversation at a later time. Recorded sessions are available on the Skype platform for 30 days, but can be kept indefinitely if downloaded on your device before the 30 days expire. Alternatively, video call sessions can be held over Google Meet upon prior agreement. Sessions cannot be recorded on your behalf on these alternative platforms and recording (if wanted) is your responsibility.

Cancellation & rescheduling policy:

-You are free to cancel or reschedule a session up to 24 hours in advance for any reason. Please be advised that sessions are non refundable once booked, however the session fee can be applied towards a future session if you need to reschedule.

-You can reschedule a session up to two (2) consecutive times with at least 24 hours’ prior notice by using your credit from your original booked session. If you still cannot or do not make the rescheduled sessions after two (2) attempts at rebooking, the fee for the original session is forfeited and you will need to book a new session if you still wish to use my services. In case you have a coaching package with me, the individual session is then forfeited from being used, though you can opt to use any remaining sessions in your package, subject to the same policy. Please be mindful of your schedule and any potential clashes when booking/rescheduling to avoid such situations. All rescheduled sessions need to take place within 3 months of the original session.

-You can reschedule a session once if you have provided late notice (less than 24 hours) or if your session was a ‘no show’ by using your credit from your original booked session. If you still cannot or do not make the rescheduled session after one attempt at rebooking, the fee for the original session is forfeited and you will need to book a new session if you still wish to use my services. In case you have a coaching package with me, the individual session is then forfeited from being used, though you can opt to use any remaining sessions in your package, subject to the same policy. Please be mindful of your schedule and any potential clashes when booking/rescheduling to avoid such situations. All rescheduled sessions need to take place within 3 months of the original session.

-A session is considered a ‘no show’ if you are more than 15 minutes late to the session. The session is automatically cancelled after 15 minutes and you will be contacted and given the chance to reschedule for the earliest available date.

-If I need to cancel our session at short notice, I will give you the option to reschedule for the earliest available time slot. In such cases, I will do my best to work around your schedule to accommodate you and ensure you can have your session as soon as reasonably possible.

-Coaching packages are non-refundable and are valid for one calendar year (12 months) from the date of purchase. Sessions can be used anytime during that timeframe. There will be no refunds if you do not use all the sessions in your package within the 12-month period.

-Emergency video calls cannot be rescheduled due to the short notice involved in booking the service.


My services are non-refundable, however the session fee for 1-on-1 video call coaching can be used as credit towards a future session if there is a need to reschedule (see ‘cancellation & rescheduling policy’ above for details). This does not apply to emergency video calls that are non-refundable and cannot be rescheduled. Email coaching and subliminal audios are non-refundable at any point after purchasing, including during the time between purchasing and delivery of the service. There are no refunds for any service or product (video call coaching, email coaching, subliminal audios) after the service or product has been delivered. Refunds for any unused sessions are only offered if I (the coach) terminate our coaching relationship or if I am unable to deliver the service purchased within a reasonable timeframe. There is no refund if you (the client) decide not to go through with the service or package of services or part of a package of services you have purchased for any reason.

Late start to a session:

I will typically call you on Skype on your booked date and exact booked time. If you are not immediately available, you have 15 minutes to start the session, after which the session is automatically cancelled (see above for cancelled sessions and ‘no show’ sessions). Starting a session late does not automatically mean that any elapsed time will be substituted at the end of the session. Substitution of any elapsed time is at my discretion and depends on my schedule for the rest of the day. By starting a session late, you understand that your session may last less than the full hour booked. No partial refunds are offered for shorter sessions due to the client failing to show up on time.

Email coaching:

You will always be notified what the current turnaround is for email coaching (i.e. responding to your email with your coaching questions). Email responses typically take a few business days. Business days are Monday-Friday excluding US holidays. If there is an anticipated delay beyond the current standard turnaround time, you will be notified as soon as possible. General inquiries and other, non-coaching communication over email does not count towards the above turnaround time.

Email packages are non-refundable and are valid for one calendar year (12 months) from the date of purchase. Emails can be used anytime during that timeframe. There will be no refunds if you do not use all the emails in your package during the 12-month period.

Custom subliminal audio tracks:

Custom subliminal audio tracks are created based on the client’s specifications using tools that are generally known to enhance effectiveness while being safe to the human brain. By ordering a custom subliminal, you understand and accept that results can vary and cannot be guaranteed. Custom subliminals are non refundable.

Communication outside of coaching sessions/emails:

Prices for coaching sessions/emails are purposefully kept at accessible rates based on current US market standards and as such, do not include follow up support beyond the session(s) paid for. If follow up and/or ongoing support is needed, it is understood that additional sessions or a package need to be booked. I make every effort to respond to occasional brief questions outside of sessions, but this option is only to be used in exceptional cases. Occasional updates on your progress and/or success stories are welcomed. You agree to use your discretion when contacting me outside of sessions and to take an honest assessment of your coaching needs and expectations to decide which of my services and/or packages may be most suitable for you. With the understanding that our relationship is professional, you understand and agree that frequent communication as well as ongoing requests for guidance and support outside of coaching sessions cannot be supported and are not included in the price of your session(s). Emergency sessions to take place within 24 hours are available to book on most days subject to schedule and are an option if you need urgent coaching guidance.


By booking coaching with me, you understand and agree that results depend on various factors and can appear at various timeframes. As such, you understand and accept that I cannot offer guarantees of results whether within or without a specific timeframe. You agree to keep me free of liability or damage claims of any kind if you are not satisfied with your results or the coaching you have received from me. You are free to terminate our coaching relationship at any time for any reason.

Coaching as substitute for mental/psychiatric help:

Coaching is never intended to be a substitute for mental health services, psychotherapy, or psychiatric help. If you feel you are in need of such assistance, please seek help from a qualified professional as soon as possible and consider postponing coaching until you feel more stable. If, during our coaching session, I feel that you may be in need of mental health services and that this should be a priority for you over coaching, I reserve the right to suggest you seek such services and to defer our coaching sessions until you are in a more stable mental/emotional condition. If appropriate, I can provide resources or links for such services, however it generally remains the client’s responsibility to seek help for themselves.

Client preparedness for coaching:

In order to get the most value and benefit out of our sessions, you are strongly encouraged to be at least somewhat familiar with the Law and the works of Neville Goddard (books and/or online lectures) before booking coaching. If you are a complete beginner in the Law, you are highly encouraged to spend a minimum of a few weeks familiarizing yourself with Neville’s concepts and teachings as well as watching my free YouTube videos prior to booking coaching. This way you will be much more likely to benefit from our discussions and the guidance you will receive during our coaching sessions.